Saturday, March 3, 2012

I just got spore on PC but whenever I am in space stage my computer freezes, can someone help?

I am a little bit into the space stage in Spore, and suddenly my stupid computer will either go to sleep and not wake up, freeze or restart, this only happens with the space stage!I just got spore on PC but whenever I am in space stage my computer freezes, can someone help?
I have the game for the PC as well, and it will freeze up only in the Space Stage. About 1 week ago I tried to start SPORE and it said that it had a patch for me to download. I logged on to the website and it told me that the patch fixed alot of problems including: freezing up, bad graphics etc. So, my advice to you is that you wait until they release a new patch. Hope this helped!I just got spore on PC but whenever I am in space stage my computer freezes, can someone help?
Make sure your computer reaches at least the minimum requirements.
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