Friday, March 9, 2012

Spore Space Age...Help Me Beat GROX?

Okay, I ignored the Grox for a long time and just flew around raining fiery genocide on all of the aliens on my side of the universe for a while. After I got bored of doing that I flew into the nearest warphole and met the Grox.

My problem is that THEY HAVE TOO MANY @($%26amp;#^!($ PLANETS! I looked online for tips and just found out that you could use terraforming to wipe out cities (wish I'd know that earlier, it could have came in handy). But these guys have like, 200+ planets that are all level 0 and some of them have colonies on more than one planet in a solar system. (God I went to one that had 4 planets with Grox colonies on them.)

I've got like a hundred or so level 3 planets and they all have the best defenses I could give them so I'm not worried about attacks from them.

I'm just getting REALLY bored of wiping out Grox on these stupid uninhabitable rocks. Anyway, my question is, "If I manage to SOMEHOW find the Grox motherplanet and reduce it to dust, will they all die?" I know that they'll just make their next most decent planet their "capital" or whatever but, if they have no other colonies except for ones on level 0 planets will they be extinct?!

Also, is there an easy way to find out where their home planet is?Spore Space Age...Help Me Beat GROX?
The grox are unique in that they can *only* survive on level 0 planets, so you can still terraform their planets but you actually have to make them *more* capable of sustaining life.

And as far as finding their home, that should be simple... Just head toward the center of the galaxy :)

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